Marquez Gallery fine art
Welcome to the online Marquez Gallery fine art.
Todos Santos, Baja California. México.
The Gallery and my guiding Values and Mission;
have to do with the fact that we are part of Nature,
Not separated.
I am an explorer of nature.
To see the natural world as it is.
To value and protect nature.
to make sence of our world and our place in it
we are all connected.
We are all one in one way or another..
In my explorations in remote Baja California,
I have found and experiece a union with nature, at times of becoming one with everything.
All my work has to do with that Connection with Nature and the human spirit.
In 2017 I went on a solo journey in Baja peninsula, One morning I experience a life changing epiphany, so I followed it. I drove up north through places I had never been, during the Journey something happened, an inner transformation, I felt my self in union with everything around me, as being, one with everything and without ego or without self, a bliss, as I kept driving, after few days, I came slowly to realize on intuition and perception, that I had come to that quiet place where the mind stops its normal activity, and one is in a state of awareness, consciousness all the time, one is in alignment with the present moment. Honoring the present moment and being present became a joy, a bliss. At the same time I started creating the images you see here. It was something very simple, yes something changed. Being in nature, I was in union with life, not separated from it. To be alive in all dimensions of who you are. -Pablo Marquez.